So there we have it. Chevi rabbit and black lives matter changed the name of an event to accomadate BLM who were selling BLM T-shirts at what was supposed to be an Indigenous lives matter event. ABSOLUTELY NO RESPECT for Indigenous lives as they refuse to give on their self-serving mantra, but we have to give up ours on our own land!
Just as with jesse lipscombe who has no respect for the Indigenous perspective or Indigenous spaces. I told him if he used that racist, self-serving bumper sticker mantra BLM. it would be a war so he did... ABSOLUTELY NO RESPECT AS THESE SELFISH TERMS DO NOT HAVE TO BE UTILIZED, why can't we talk truth? which is white-supremacy and colonization.
Black people have been talking about race for a hundred years and still are. Who's next? chinese lives matter, muslim lives matter, etc. When do Indigenous people get to talk about gettin our land back from ALL THE COLONISTS OF ANY COLOR!
Jesse lipscome also blocked me from speaking the truth on an edmonton racism page, (can't remember the name) that Indigenous people are targeted daily by all non-Indigenous POC, especially black security guards following us around as soon as we walk in a store. BLM wants a war? I am only getting started, lol.
Not only that! in a CTV news article on the homeless Pekiwewin camp the organizers which the article emphasized was BLM, said that in this city "black and Indigenous people far out number white people in homelessness". WHICH IS AN OUTRIGHT AND UTTER LIE!!!
The homeless black population DOES NOT out number the white homeless population in this city, and definately not Indigenous People! This is a colonizing narative trying to erase the Indigenous narrative.
I have nothing against our black relatives, even in light of them targeting us in stores and in every public space cuz they're just doing what the white society conditions them to. But I have everything against this false narrative of BLM IN CANADA.
Why would white-colonist George Soros, who got extremely wealthy off the genocidal policies of all POC, fund the BLM movement? To shift the publics focus from Indigenous rights, to the rights of colonizing POC so white- elitists can continue raping the land and our people! And Chevi Rabbit has just committed treason to the Indigenous Lives Matter movement!
{UPDATE: Since this blog post Jesse and BLM contacted me so we might work out our contentions. Jesse was quite humble and listened to what I had to say, even though I could feel his apprehension to believe there can be black on Indigenous violence, LOL! he even went so far as to ask my opinion on some of his work with Indigenous communities which I found quite refreshingand good,aside from one particular lie that people are not colonizers anymore as these systems are already in place since before they were born... LMFAO! IDIOTS! LOL.
And when I pointed this out jesse claims it's too late to change even before it's release, lol. He thinks I'm stupid. But he said in the spirit of good relations he'd like to perhaps collaborate on projects in the future to which I agreed. But then he throws in a threat by telling me not to slander him, bringing up the fact he not only disrepected me, but my people by totally disregarding my request not to use the racist mantra of BLM. But it became cystal clear the ONLY REASON he was talking to me, was cuz he's concerned for his anti-racism savior status.
Then talking to BLM... Well they totally refused to believe there is such a thing as black on Indigenous racism/violence while they kept using the same phrases the white-man uses against them to deny racism exists against them... against me. One BLM member was willing to listen though and she did good job of moderating the discussion between Jesse and I, to which I praise her for. Especially in light I had a whole group of people including a metis standing against me while I was left alone to defend the truth. That's the white-man's tactic, lol.
But another BLM joined the discussion and this piece of shit was competely disrespectful}
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