Sunday, July 12, 2020

colonial rasim, Yup

I accidentally deleted the wrong video on my phone of me confronting this 5' tall Pilipino (I think) female security and manager of the Meadowlark dollar store. {Same store, another security who is Sikh tried that with me the first couple times I went there but I got him to stop real quick. What got me about this one was her cavalier attitude about targeting Natives}. I caught her, the security guard, begin to follow me as soon as I walked in the door and I asked her if she "followed every Indian as soon as they walked in the store" to which she said "YES" and smiled about it as she walked away That was not on the video though. What I had on video was me asking her to confirm what she said, then some bald white guy, I believe it was the manager, claimed he heard what I asked her and that I did not say "Indian". So I asked him, "Why would I say anything else?" I mean, I AM AN INDIAN!!! lol. so the video did not show the incident but I wanted you guys to at least see the security guard/manager interaction. A clear case in policy of colonization in the form of the targeting of Natives by an immigrant (POC), protected by white-supremacy.... and that's colonial racism.

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