Thursday, July 30, 2020

BLM is No More Important than the Indigenous Reality


You wanna know the main reason I am no supporter of BLM besides their racist, self-serving slogan on the genocide-stained soil of my ancecestors? It's because when I was a kid, my mom told me about a prophesy that the black-man would rule this continent after the white-man. Then after the black-man it would be the yellow-man. Well I ain't having any of that shit on my watch! Perhaps the prophesy already came true in the form of Obama, and all the black wealthy celebs and corporate leaders, maybe not. But it's not like the black populations have it anywhere near what the Indigenous Peoples face, even in the states. Yet these days it seems to be all about Black Lives, even from Indigenous people who think riding THEIR coat-tails will help our People.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Boardwalk Properties' Discriminatory Practices

Yesterday was my final day to take down my flag while everyone else is left alone with their flags and other violations to our balcony/window lease agreement. the last time I took my flag down with the belief management was looking into all the other violations which they did not, they kept allowing others to violate the lease agreement. I am told they will be evicting me over this and I told them I will not take down my flag until everyone else is held to all aspects of the balcony /window lease agreement as well. There are nearly a dozen other flags still attached to their balconies in this one complex alone along with many other violations to the lease agreement which many have obviously been in place for years. But Renata Gounder, area coordinator for Boardwalk properties has been targeting me and harassing me about my flag and my flag alone. Below are just a few pics as there are many more along with Renata's linkin account...

And if anyone wishes to let her know what you think of her discriminatory practices, please call Boardwalk Properties main office @ (403) 531-9255

Sunday, July 12, 2020

colonial rasim, Yup

I accidentally deleted the wrong video on my phone of me confronting this 5' tall Pilipino (I think) female security and manager of the Meadowlark dollar store. {Same store, another security who is Sikh tried that with me the first couple times I went there but I got him to stop real quick. What got me about this one was her cavalier attitude about targeting Natives}. I caught her, the security guard, begin to follow me as soon as I walked in the door and I asked her if she "followed every Indian as soon as they walked in the store" to which she said "YES" and smiled about it as she walked away That was not on the video though. What I had on video was me asking her to confirm what she said, then some bald white guy, I believe it was the manager, claimed he heard what I asked her and that I did not say "Indian". So I asked him, "Why would I say anything else?" I mean, I AM AN INDIAN!!! lol. so the video did not show the incident but I wanted you guys to at least see the security guard/manager interaction. A clear case in policy of colonization in the form of the targeting of Natives by an immigrant (POC), protected by white-supremacy.... and that's colonial racism.