Thursday, March 7, 2019

The Impotence of End Poverty Edmonton

                            Image result for dead indian cartoon

   I ask for help from the Indigenous Circle with the Hope Mission and the homeless situations and nobody does anything... I ask about promoting reconciliation and we can't do anything because the city and the Stewardship Round Table placed us under a colonial charity, the United Way, and some colonial lawyer says it's against the law for us to advertise the TRC's "calls to action".
   A co-chair on the Indigenous circle, Tracy Wilson says our work in ending poverty is not a matter of life and death when so many of our people are dying on the streets. Along with the fact that the Hope Mission refuses a man entry and he freezes to death on their front doorstep. But she doesn't get it. Just like we're supposed to be ending homelessness for our people, so I thought. But Homeward Trust house's a white male within a week, he who's only been in town for a week and I along with so many other homeless Indigenous have been waiting how long? And again this co-chair Tracy Wilson says something stupid like "oh, well that's just the way it's always been".
  Just like when I get assaulted by the Hope Mission staff and another Indigenous Circle member, Sharon Pasula says I should be thrown in jail for speaking out against it. Just like when I asked why Sharon P. would call someone, who wasn't at February's meeting, a racist when she, at an anti-racism workshop, says that some racism is a good thing because black people from Kenya (I believe it was) make good basketball players. Then she bold face lies to the committee that she said it, and the committee comes down on me about it for pointing out this fact (except Karen B.)
   And people wonder why my anxiety gets the best of me at times when EPE and the Indigenous Circle is so impotent and doesn't do anything about the homeless. Tracy Wilson also said to me at one of the meetings that I should keep what said at the circle in the circle. I can see why she would say something like that, just like our colonial politicians. I am getting so tired of the impotence of End Poverty Edmonton.


  1. It saddens me greatly to hear about so much in-fighting and lack of support. I have heard about this happening to people like Taz Bouchier too.


    1. I've been wanting to leave the group for a while but something bigger than me kept me there... But I think this situation brought us to the end of it. And now I do feel released. I am now working on a couple other real big initiatives. initiatives that doesn't have to include the city. It would help and maybe they can be involved to some degree later on but honestly, we don't need them, lol.


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