Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Ongoing Violations of Indigenous Rights to Freedom of Expression

May 12th. 
Boardwalk Properties(area coordinator Renata Gounder) in Edmonton has been harassing me to take down my flag of which is against the lease agreement. Ulitimately giving me three warnings, one verbal and two written to which I tried to accomedate removing my flag from the railing and placed it NOT ON the balcony, but INSIDE and hanging from eye-hooks already pertuding from the walls.  However I felt I was good upon my looking around and seeing everyone else in our complex with flags and and all other kinds of violations to this same stipulation in the agreement which states... 

"Tenant(s), will not shake, clean or hang any laundry, rugs, mats, cloth, flags, bedding, etc. from balconies or windows. Tenant(s) shall not place or hang anything out of windows or balconies. Only proper drapes and/or blinds may be hung on windows."

So are they trying to tell me I am the only one in this whole complex with this condition? The first time the manager came knocking on my door to which she had a few different excuses for the balcony barrier across the way which did not get past me, lol. like the barrier was on the inside of the rail, then when I showed the manager mine was on the inside as well, the excuse changed to my flag was upside down and offensive because THIS IS CANADA, lol. What was actually interesting is that the reason they are investigating me is because several residents have complained about my flag, lol. And OH, the manager also said those multiple flower pots and patio lights hanging off the edge of the other balcony rails are allowed, but WRONG! According to the lease agreement, THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED! Which goes to show who, what & how they choose to favor "colonial rules" is at their discretion. There are aproximately 9 other flags hanging from balconies in this complex, but mine is targeted. the manager even though kept changing her excuses as to try and get me to take it down. One of those excuses as I mentioned was because my flag was upside down, but she denied saying that when she talked to my social worker asking him to get on me to remove the flag as well. 

So this IS a clear case of them not enforcing that the lease agreement on that point but only for me as I exercise my Right to Freedom of Expression which goes against colonial patriotism.

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