Welcome to my blog site, I am so looking forward to sharing so
much of myself and of God with those who might be willing to join me on
this journey into the future. It should be an interesting ride because
my life is nothing if not interesting, I have a view not everyone has
the privilege, as well as misfortune, to see. A view from the street
life of a great city, Edmonton Alberta, Canada. Not to mention that I
... well, if you are patient you may read about it later. This is a work
in progress so it may take some time to get into the swing of it but I
am determined to get our site right and bring you messages to encourage
you as well as bring you Gods truth as much as He blesses me without my
own understanding interfering. I am sure it will be a struggle from time
to time as those who know me know that I am a stubborn man but I do
love our Lord more than anything I can be on my own, so bear with me
while as I wrestle out my bullshit to reveal that which I believe God is
calling me to do... which is to bring to light the plight of the homeless and addicted while writing about my own life experiences and how
our Lord God Almighty has been a part of it and still is. I am working
on a book of the same and a lot from these stories will go into said
book, but it will be so much more and it should be ready before I pass
on, which is to say be patient sssssuckas!...lol.

Since I am unsure of when I might post a new story, it might be a good idea to click on the white rectangle of the "Follow by E-mail" area on the home page to receive a notification when a new story is available. (You will not receive spam from this feature)
I also might make a few changes in the stories from time to time to update details I may have forgotten or gotten wrong, or just to add a joke or something (except "My Testimony", I can't change what is The Fathers). At any rate, I am sure you'd might enjoy a refresher read of these stories regardless of updates or not. I have also added links to relevant videos on some stories from other Christian sites. May God bless and keep you my brothers and sisters and all my love goes out to you as well.
Facebook or
Twitter me @... johnnyluvlee
E-mail: johnnyleeluvsJesus@gmail.com
E-mail: johnnyleeluvsJesus@gmail.com
Just click the orange "# of " or "no comments" phrase next to the sharing icons under each story, or just click in the "enter your comment" box and comment as "Anonymous" if you do not wish to register with any of the apps. Thank you very much for any suggestions.
** All posts and stories are for education and entertainment purposes only. They are in no way an admission of guilt in any form or manner to any crimes that may or may not have been committed... (well, something like that. lol.)
*** All my stories are the property of John F. Lee and are copyrighted, 2013-2015. All Rights Reserved
Hi Johnny, I came across your blog and was interested in meeting with you to talk to you about it. I'm a journalist here in Edmonton but I'm interested in how the homeless community and others considered "on the margins" connect with the rest of the world around them. Yours seems to be a very interesting take on it. Let me know if you'd be willing to chat and the coffee's on me.