The Hope Mission is up to it's old tricks and still in conflict with TRC "call to action" #60. "We call upon leaders of the church parties to the Settlement Agreement and all other faiths, in collaboration with Indigenous spiritual leaders, Survivors, schools of theology, seminaries, and other religious training centres, to develop and teach curriculum for all student clergy, and all clergy and staff who work in Aboriginal communities, on the need to respect Indigenous spirituality in its own right, the history and legacy of residential schools and the roles of the church parties in that system, the history and legacy of religious conflict in Aboriginal families and communities, and the responsibility that churches have to mitigate such conflicts and prevent spiritual violence...."
After a small protest demonstration we did inside the building during dinner time.The Hope Mission staff had shortened their scripture readings down to two short verses. Which was acceptable to some degree and some guys told me they didn't mind the shorter version as long as they didn't carry on as they usually did. But now, a couple weeks later they're back on their high horse and the "alarm clock" scripture reading is getting longer. Not only that, but a staff member who was experiencing trouble with a client, hauled off and punch this Indigenous client in his back.
I would even say that Indigenous People need our own shelters for own own people! No More "christians" forcing us into their self-centered cult for the domination & destruction of God's creations.
I can also see where this kind of mentality comes from though... the Hope Mission Pastor.
A friend and I attended an "Insights to Impact" event of "christian" faith leaders from around the city getting together in the hopes to be a part of the growing global movement to change the destructive course, we as a society find ourselves. Well, that and to try and stop the multitudes of youth who are leaving the church in today's age. Anyway, Pastor Ed from the Hope Mission was there and so I introduced my friend Jeremiah who is also a recently ordained pastor to Ed. So during the conversation I asked Pastor Ed what he thought of "reconciliation", to which he simply gave a kindly grimace and said, "it's a process". Now that may seem innocent enough to the regular ear, but when you've been at this as long as I have one recognizes the arrogance of those unwilling to practice a little "humility" in light off such a horrific history. So I replied with a "on whose terms?" comment to which we were sadly interrupted. But even my pastor buddy recognized the cold halfheartedness in Ed's response. Jeremiah's so cool, a good friend and a real Spirited Human being. Someone who truly knows Jesus.
So what this "christian" pastor is actually saying from my take, is that he is ok with reconciliation as long as it's not too much reconciliation, or as long as it doesn't become uncomfortable for them, the "christians" and colonists. He and the Hope Mission staff who seemly have next to ZERO respect for Indigenous People's, let alone the homeless. And believe me you, I won't be making the same mistake i did before and bring this to End Poverty Edmonton because clearly they won't do anything for the homeless, even though they speak like they care, they won't do anything. Not the City, not all the NGO's who are apart of EPE and not even the Indigenous Circle, the co-chairs nor it's members. they've already proven this. Except for one Indigenous woman who works for the city and wanted to visit and talk with Hope Management about these matters but was told not to by her boss! he said it's not our dept. when, how did we put it? IT'S ALL OUR RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE THE PRINCIPALS OF RECONCILIATION IN OUR CITY.
I only have you folks to count on, will you write them and ask them to stop forcing scripture on the homeless and especially the Indigenous People's. They used to cut off our arms and smash our children against rocks if we didn't accept "Jesus" when they first arrived here on Turtle Island, now they get us in our sleep. If you wrote them already I thank you, we thank you. But we have to keep the pressure on them. A STAFF MEMBER JUST PUNCHED A DEFENSELESS MAN IN THE BACK. And if you haven't written a letter to them yet, please do at....
{here is a past write up- on this issue.}
The Forced Indoctrination continues of Indigenous Peoples who are still suffering the effects of Colonization and the Indian Residential School era. The Hope Mission, a “Christian” organization refuses to stop reading Scriptures to the Homeless as they sleep! This is a form of mind control. When our brains are in a state of Theta (dream) state, we are very susceptible to suggestion. A clear violation of our basic human rights. Just imagine an Indian Residential School survivor, or someone like me who not only suffered the effects of such a tragic history. But also studied extensively the origins, policies, practices and tactics to the ongoing colonization, hence globalization, of Turtle Island. Only to be subject each morning to "christian" Scriptures being utilized as an "alarm clock" on us. And even though there are times of seemingly heartfelt respect among Front-line staff and clients, there remains the reoccurring psychological & emotional abuses taking place. For the most part, new staff introduction to the community consists of on the job training for mainly students and continental newcomers. And I am quite confident in my observations that nearly all bring with them some sort of an attitude of superiority to one degree or another. While any such attitude that may exhibit itself either ever so subtly, or utterly blatant and in your face, both forms can be just as detrimental to an already disenchanted Spirit. The religion of "Christianity", a source of excuse to the genocide of our People's and theft of ancestral lands, are bombarding clients as they climb out of a hazy dream state. This is a scientifically proven form of psychological manipulation, a forced indoctrination if you will. Not only do they yell out whole sections, but one Hope Mission staffer also carries on preaching after the bible is read while some are still asleep, brains deep in a delta or dream state. Clearly a violation of our basic Human Rights and our right to freedom of thought and religion. Quite often guys will shout or point out historical religious hypocrisies in order to get them to stop... but they never do. How can we exercise our Right to self-determine our culture of worship when we’re being abducted in our sleep by the same "Word" utilized in committing Cultural Genocide and Genocide out right, upon these so-called Americas? And personally, the same "Word" that cut my own tongue out with it's sharpened, double edge sword... and replaced it with another tongue not my own. To which many of you now find offensive. You folks can praise them all you want for a generous meal provided to those in need. Although you must remember that colonialism and "christianity" itself are the root causes to this violence of poverty in the first place. But me… I'll eat the food they steal from others with their heartwarming propaganda.... Because they compelled me to with their oppression and racism. And I'll sleep on their plastic vinyl mats. Being as I feel we’re left with little other choice other than to hide or submit to their Doctrine of Discovery to which I and my people are deemed... savages. I ask you to step back and look at the patterns... the Indian Reservation system, the Indian Residential School system, the Sixties Scoop, the judicial system, foster care, health care. Did you really think the homeless were immune from this intentional and debilitating form of herding? Did you actually believe our addictions & homelessness situations were somehow our own fault?! The corporate "christian" church as well has been let off the hook far too easily in all of this. They've reneged on their financial responsibilities of the Residential School settlement. And after all these years, reconciliation is still mainly a grassroots endeavor and has yet to take hold in the mainstream. As part of my work and research, I know there is still a majority of congregations who know very little of the real Indigenous/colonial history and absolutely nothing of the "Doctrine of Discovery". Many church leaders refuse to even bring up the subject of Truth and Reconciliation, let alone provide their "flock" with the proper tools in helping to heal the rift between both People's. During my time with RISE- Reconciliation in Solidarity Edmonton and beyond, I've taken it upon myself to do outreach for reconciliation in many churches and other church affiliated gatherings. I've discovered that although many congregation members were quite interested in learning more, they did not know how to go about learning, or were too afraid to go seeking it out. Yet when I approached the "Faith leaders" of these people, I usually faced the same response... "That’s not our mandate". Ya, we know all too well what their mandate is, and was. My own former home church pastor, who just so happens to serve the downtown homeless population, has even gone so far as to respond when asked if she would discuss the residential school era with the people: she "didn't want to upset the congregation". So, as she woos the wallets and children of the upper middle class in the pews above... in the basement many of the victims of that horrific church & state history are being clothed and fed so they, the congregation, could feel comforted that they are doing their 10% to help us poor souls. Seeing as they have been so "blessed" to be God's chosen. The beneficiaries to the rape, murder and pillaging of Indigenous Peoples and our lands. { Please… contact your local shelters and find out if they provide their staff with Trauma Informed Practice training. and everyone could use more Indigenous/colonial history awareness and discussions on how to rectify that history and perhaps improve our ability to live on this planet in the future. }